Here’s a typical use case for the Ballywire video news report service.  We were on hand as Lee’s Centra Group announced their sponsorship of Pallasgreen LGFA and GAA clubs in County Limerick.

Client: Lee’s Centra Group

Our Role: Capture interviews and photocall shots at a sponsorship announcement for publication on social media.

Project Description

A Ballywire video news release is ideally suited to company announcements and social media enabling you to communicate your news quickly. One such announcement was that of the sponsorship launch of both Pallasgreen GAA and LGFA in Co. Limerick by Lee’s Centra Group.

Embedded in the community, when Ray and Brendan wanted to announce the tie up Ballywire were on hand to capture interviews and drone footage of the club and their store.

“Community is very important to us as a business and the last few years has reinforced the important role that communities play in supporting each other. We’re delighted to play a small part in supporting these clubs and the key role that they play in maintaining a vibrant community. ‘ said Ray at the announcement.

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